Thursday, August 7, 2008

Pics of Rhona Mitra in Underworld 3

Created on August 05th, 2008 by Mikey B

underworld 3 on

OK. I know I’m going to get some backlash from the guys that work on this site, but F-off. I’m a fan of the first two Underworld installments. They were nothing new, but a fun mash-up of two incredible horror icons. Now, I wasn’t as much a fan of the first film as I was of the second film, simply because they made the vampires seem like a bunch of whiny emo kids, but in the second one, apparently the writers remembered that vampires were much stronger than humans and could do more than just shoot guns. Thanks for that guys. The second film also has my personal favorite decapitation ever. Anyway, I’ll stop rambling about the first two films and get to the point, the third film with pictures!!!


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