Thursday, August 7, 2008

Warner Brothers No Longer Teasing Potter Fans

Created on July 31st, 2008 by Horrorholic

No longer content with just teasing people in an IMAX theatre, Warner Brothers has finally released the actual trailer for Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince online before its reported theatrical premiere, which is reportedly this Friday, where it will be attached to prints of The Mummy 3.

A first for the series, the trailer actually neglects Harry and Co. big time, instead opting to showcase the origins of Tom Riddle aka Lord Voldemort. For those who have not read The Half-Blood Prince, it truly is Dumbledore and Voldemort’s story and I personally found it to be very different from the rest of the books, in that it is almost completely exposition, where the others are a good mixture of plot and backstory. While most male fans will erupt in hostility over the lack of Emma Watson in the trailer, I’m glad they chose to ignore them in the trailer and not try to fool viewers, as they are not in the forefront for most of the story. Hopefully, The Half-Blood Prince will be a better effort than David Yates’ last entry in the series, the extremely disappointing Order of the Pheonix, and make good on its promise for a dark and dreary Potter adventure.


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