Monday, August 11, 2008

Happy 20th Birthday RenderMan

Created on August 11th, 2008 by Morbid

Young Sherlock Holmes on

One of RenderMan’s earliest uses in a feature film, the knight from the stained-glass window in the film, The Young Sherlock Holmes

RenderMan is celebrating its 20th birthday. RenderMan is the software developed by Pixar that was responsible for bringing computer graphics, for better or worse, to film-making. It was the first software to win an Oscar for its outstanding contributions to the field of film and according to RenderMan’s website, out of the last 44 films nominated for a Best Visual Effects Oscar, 41 used RenderMan. No shocker, actually, as RenderMan is responsible for such heavy-hitters as T2, The Matrix, Jurassic Park, the Lord of the Rings Trilogy and not counting all of Pixar’s CG films. Click here for a full list.


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