Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Son of Rambow (2007) DVD - KamuiX

Created on August 24th, 2008 by KamuiX

Son of Rambow review on

Rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆

Growing up in the 80’s, I was certainly a product of the video age. I was one of those “weird” kids that would rather spend the summer off from school going back-and-forth to the local mom-and-pop video store renting movies than go out and play in the backyard. Similarly during the school year, I’d rather come home and pop in a movie than play a sport or stay after school helping with an art program. I was also very much into writing up imaginative stories and wondering what they would be like if I had the ability to turn them into a film. So in that respect, I can definitely relate to Son of Rambow. What I can’t relate to however is growing up without being able to watch TV or movies, and only having my imagination to keep me company. I can only imagine then, once exposed to the stuff, how I would react. Son of Rambow nails that sense of discovery down pretty well.


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