Monday, August 11, 2008

The Taking Of Pelham One Two Three Streamed

Created on August 11th, 2008 by Morbid

Taking of Pelham One Two Three on

Browsing the news this morning, I saw an article over at in which they reported that is streaming The Taking of Pelham One Two Three. the 1974 film is about a New York subway being hijacked by armed men for ransom. If you have never seen it, I highly suggest you do as it is a grimy crime thriller that is criminally overlooked. It stars Walter Matthau and Robert Shaw and was directed by Joseph Sargent, the man who also gave us Jaws: The Revenge…one of the worst movies ever made…but don’t let that sway you from checking this film out. Especially with a remake coming out starring Denzel Washington and John Travolta. Barf.

Anyway, check out the film over at Hulu and click the image above for one fucking awesome movie poster.

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